Mass Intentions

It is the responsibility, in charity, for all parishioners to pray for one another, all members of the one Body of Christ.  And so, Mass intentions for the living or the deceased are always welcome. 

To request that a Mass be celebrated for your intention, contact the parish office directly.  Envelopes for this purpose are also available at the entrances of the church.  These may be placed in the Sunday collection.

Masses for your intentions are celebrated during weekdays in our parish.  All Sunday Masses are offered for the intentions of all parishioners.

In the Diocese of Hamilton, the usual offering for Mass is $10.00.  This stipend is given to the priest who celebrates the Mass and is not a taxable donation to the parish. 

Church law requires that Masses requested for special intentions, which cannot be satisfied within a year are to be forwarded to the Diocese so that they can be celebrated by retired priests or priests not associated with a parish community.